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  在国外的论坛行逛的时候,有个老兄问了句:What is blackhat? (什么是黑帽)
  (1)Think in terms of American cowboys. The good guys wear white hats. The bad guys wear black hats. Whitehat good; blackhat bad. Simple as that. There is also greyhat/grayhat which means that it's in a grey area between the two. 想想看一群美国牛仔吧,好男孩就带白帽,坏男孩就带黑帽,白帽好,黑帽坏,事情就是这么简单(幽默。。。)
  (2)In relation to SEO, it refers to those who use techniques which are underhand or break the rules of search engines. Things like hidden links and doorway pages are blackhat techniques which were used in the past. In general, the best blackhat techniques are not often made public. 对于搜索引擎而言,它是指的一些破坏搜索引擎规律的人的统称,像一些诸如隐藏链接和门页是原来的黑帽常用手法,现在而言,最好的黑帽技术一般不被大众站长知道
  (3)Blackhat refers to SEO techniques that go against search engine guidelines. Using blackhat techniques can get your site banned if the search engines catch up with you. 黑帽技术其实是调整搜索引擎的规则,一旦被搜索引擎发现,你的站会被ban
  (4)Black hat is... hidden links, hidden text, tiny text, white on white links, keyword stuffing, cloaking, misleading redirects, arbitrage, scraping, synonymizing, doorway pages, link farms, browser hijacking, hot-linking, email harvesting, and especially SPAM in all its forms: email spam, search engine spam, social bookmarking spam, comment spam, forum spam, domain spam, blog spam, etcetera. 黑帽是:隐藏链接,隐藏文本,小文本,白色背景上的白色链接,关键词堆砌,错误引导的重新定向,链接工厂,垃圾邮件群发(还有些专业术语我也不太清楚),还有一些特殊的作弊也属于它的形式: 电子邮件作弊,搜索引擎作弊,社会书签作弊,评论作弊,论坛作弊,域名作弊(?),博客作弊等等






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